British Government allow benefits to be claimed for multiple wives

I have worked all my life and never claimed any benefits, I have private health care and pay income tax in the 40% bracket. I paid for my own further education. So really I have nothing to thank the government for regarding my status.

I have worked hard and have had no rewards from the government for my efforts, If I lost my job I wouldn’t be able to claim benefits because my wife earns above the threshold. Yet you can take an immigrant who hasn’t paid anything in the system, he comes to the UK with his harem of wifes and claim for housing, child benefits, and numerous other hand outs whilst claiming for multiple wifes. This is another sad example of what NuLabour have brought in their 10 years of demise.

Full story here.

One response to “British Government allow benefits to be claimed for multiple wives

  1. Why are all these people allowed in to our country to abuse the system and create animosity? When did bigamy become legal in Britain? Why are we being influenced to accept other cultural ways? Rather than those that have built our nation, as was the norm in Britain. Why does nothing seem to work anymore? Why are our representatives in government trying to destroy the country, people and culture that gave them there opportunities in life? Why aren’t the general public out protesting in the streets at the use of Islam to break our will and respect for each other in
    society? Why are our heroic and brave forces regularly coming home seriously injured or in coffins. From conflicts that no one can win. Can no one see the reasons behind all this turmoil and friction? Look to those who actually run the country. The main banking families who through their control of the monetary system and peoples greed influence legislation, which feeds through to the populace through various policies spin and lies. Forcing us all into a total conflict to reduce the worlds population, whilst creating their ‘NEW WORLD ORDER’ with them as the controlling influence everywhere. I am neither a crank nor a religious person but I have looked and I have seen. The evidence is there if people only took the time to investigate for themselves it would become apparent why we are all heading for a ‘New World War’. Look who funded & profited from the last two World Wars and why!

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